Frequency Analyzer App Free
frequency analyzer app free

While some may argue about the dangers of smartphones and tablets, when utilized correctly they can be a handy tool to have around. The app comes in two variations there is.Nowadays, mobile-enabled tablets and smartphones are everywhere, and it seems like everyone has one. It also identifies instances where frequencies collide and mask each other.Spectrum Analyzer is an Android App that makes it possible to make an analysis of sound waves right from your phone. Like the best spectrum analyzer plug-ins, it allows the real-time monitoring of multiple tracks of audio, with the data viewable from a single window. 2nd Sense’s Audio Mixing Analyzer hides an impressive wealth of features in a simple and modernistic interface.

frequency analyzer app free

Frequency Analyzer App Portable Sound Level

Decibel X (Android and iOS-Free)Want to measure the sound pressure level (SPL) around you? This handy and free smartphone application can quickly turn your iOS or Android device into an accurate, pre-calibrated portable sound level meter that supports both dBA and dBC. There’s no better way to help promote prevention efforts and better hearing health. If you want to turn your device into a handheld noise level meter that can produce reliable results by being able to measure peak noise levels up to approximately 130dB (with the help of an external microphone), then you must try SoundMeter. Considered to be the best sound level meter app available, SoundMeter is available to use on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

NoiSee features all of the tools that you expect a professional sound level meter to have, at a fraction of the price. NoiSee (iOS-$0.99)Looking for an advanced, yet intuitive professional-grade sound level meter? If so, why not turn your handheld device into one by installing NoiSee on your iPod Touch or iPhone. Even though Decibel X is free, it’s considered to be one of the best sound meter apps around due to its well-designed, intuitive interface.

This app was designed by a signal processing expert and is regularly updated to maintain reliability and accuracy. SPLnFFT Noise Meter (iOS-$3.99)A sound level meter for your iPad or iPhone, SPLnFFT Noise Meter offers many advanced features and is the only iOS app that has been recommended by the Laborer’s Health and Safety Fund of North America. The reason for this? Most microphones that are installed in smartphones are not high-performance microphones and are only aligned with our voice level (40-60dB). Even though Sound Meter can calibrate itself for your specific Android device, it is not recommended if you need to measure high noise levels (over 100dB) because maximum decibel levels can be limited on certain devices. Sound Meter (Android-Free)Utilizing a graphic interface to show reference, the Sound Meter app uses your devices embedded microphone to measure the level of noise in decibels.

While this app was designed with educators in mind, Too Noisy Pro can also be utilized at daycares, activity centers, as well as at home. Best of all, teachers can set acceptable noise levels for all types of lessons and record their own alarm. An app that is perfect for teachers, this noise level meter uses visual stimuli to help control noise levels in a classroom. Too Noisy Pro (Android and iOS-$3.99)An app that was built with children in mind, Too Noisy Pro was designed to help control the noise level that comes from having groups of children together.

frequency analyzer app free